Am I the only one during this quarantine eating all the snacks in their house? It has been extremely difficult to maintain a healthy diet though this whole ordeal. Really I don't normally stock terrible food at home. I think it's just a volume and availability issue. Here are a few things I started doing this month to combat the "Quarantine 15" that we're all in fear of gaining.
1. At Home Work Outs
Yea, I know. I suck at these, too. I recently saw an article online tagging a few fitness YouTubes to follow. I have been doing full body (no weights required) workouts by
Annabelle Hayes. She just released a new one yesterday that is apartment-friendly and has no jumping during the 10 minute workout. My boyfriend's daily workouts are much more difficult, however I like doing these. These videos are effective, easy to pop on and complete in a 30 min loop.

I do miss the outside. We try to take the pup on long walks a few times a week. Most of the parks in Downtown LA are closed now so there are not many grassy areas for him to roam.
2. Using Healthy Recipes
We normally use healthy recipes, buying our groceries for the week according to what they call for. Lately I've been adding some new things to the menu. Last week I got added to an email chain among friends that will result in giving me 30+ new recipes! Can't wait to try these all out. Hopefully I won't be trying them all out because we're still in quarantine.
3. Watching My Snacking
Lastly, my snacking has been curbed. I got some Atkins snacks gifted to me in February and this month. I love them! It makes me feel better eating delicious snacks that I know are not as bad for my diet than the typical carby snacks. I tried out the Sweet & Salty Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Crunch Bites and the Nutty Fudge Brownie Bar. Both amazing treats and both low carb and low sugar.

Just in case we still have a Summer, gotta keep these bodies in order! I'm still trying to get in a routine to make each day productive! What are some of the things you guys are doing to keep normal? Comment below!