When it comes to exercising the one thing that is always an issue is dealing with any aches and pains that come after it. It can be super annoying having to get on with your day after a great exercise session and dealing with aching and any pain you may have, it can reduce the great mood that exercise puts you in. This is why knowing how to help reduce your aches and pains after your exercise will help to keep your mood bright and increase your overall day as you can recover quicker.
If you are struggling with recovery after your exercise routine then hopefully, these few tips will give you an idea of what you can do to help reduce your aches and pains and make your day better after your workout.

Check your posture
This may seem silly but it might not be the exercise that is affecting you as much as actually how you are throughout the day. Things like slouching and poor posture while at work or at home can have an impact on your neck, shoulders and back which can then lead to more pain during exercise and after it. This leads you to think the exercise causes it but it could be as simple as correcting your posture to help reduce the pains you are feeling. If you struggle with posture there are programs and apps to help you and companies like obVus Solutions have wellness programmes to help you with posture and breathing to help reduce those aches and pains.
Use hot and cold therapy
Where you can use hot and cold therapy options available to you, this will help to reduce lactic acid build up after exercise which in turn reduces cramping and it will help you cope with the rest of your day. If you have inflammation or an injury then a cold press is going to help you more to reduce inflammation and help to increase recovery time, this can however make the area stiff so if you are using that area for your day then heat therapy will help to keep it supple and allow you to carry on with movement on it while reducing inflammation and swelling, heat therapy are things like steam rooms, saunas and even heat gel that you apply to the area.
Warm up and cool down
A great way to help reduce any cramping and aches is to make sure you are warming up and cooling down when you exercise, This helps to stretch out your muscles and make them more supple which reduces the chances at tears and increases mobility, not only will this help during exercise but also help to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise as well. Soreness can occur upto 72 hours after exercise so do not think you have got away without stretching as it could come back to haunt you.
If you are struggling after exercising or big sessions in the gym and it is affecting your day or your life then these few tips may help you to reduce the issues you are having and help you get on with your day after the gym.